Women in Engineering

About Us

The Women in Engineering affinity group of IEEE NITK aims to increase inclusivity and acceptance in tech on campus. We coordinate events and mentorship programs to inspire our colleagues and other women and girls to pursue a career in engineering. It is a professional organisation dedicated to promoting technical interests among women engineers and scientists. It was launched on February 18th 2009 by Prof. Marimuthu, the R10 WiE Coordinator. Our mission is to inspire, engage, encourage, and empower IEEE women student members and facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally.


Workshop On Recent Cutting Edge Technologies In Computing - 2021


This one week workshop on Advances in Computer Science had talks by global experts and researchers, and highlighted novel contributions along with various challenges in the domain of Computer Science. The workshop was organized in collaboration with CompSoc. The talks were scheduled as:

  1. October 29, 2021 - Mobile Sensing at Scale by Prasant Misra
  2. October 30, 2021 - Blockchain: Myth vs Reality by Sandip Chakraborty
  3. October 31, 2021 - Security Challenges in Cloud Computing by Rajesh P. Barnwal
  4. November 1, 2021 - 5G by Dr. Debasis Das
  5. November 2, 2021 - Quantum Computing by Dr. Aswath Babu

Around Her World in 10 Ways - 2020

Around Her World in 10 Ways

This academic year, WiE NITK organised a talk series with prolific speakers from across the technological spectrum, called "Around Her World in 10 Ways". We had ten amazing accomplished women from all over the globe talking about their journey in tech and their work. The talk series was truly inspiring. It was attended by around 200 students from NITK and received good feedback from most of the audience it attracted.

Watch on YouTube


REFLECT - 2019

REFLECT was a week-long program organized by the WiE Affinity Group from 25th October to 1st November 2019, to help to enhance the professional skills of women in NITK. The program aimed to ensure that each participant was aware of various opportunities available by learning how to discover and leverage them as well to improve their professional profile. The participants were also asked to reflect on their short term and long term goals to help understand the direction they would want to follow. The activities included writing professional emails, understanding long-term, and short-term goals as well as creating a vision board. Certificates and goodies were given to all the participants who completed all the activities of the program.


Athena - Women's Hackathon - 2018


A 24 hour hackathon was organized for the girl students of NITK under IEEE WiE Affinity Group NITK in association with Web Enthusiasts Club, NITK. The applications developed were all based on a given topic and they were judged by invited professors on the following day and winners were rewarded.

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