
  • Ikjot Singh Dhody
  • Sravani Katasani


  • Shashank SM
  • Fathima
  • Khushi Rathod
  • Hritik Mehta


Apps have now become any integral part of all our lives and we have a wide array of apps ranging from entertainment and education. The objective of this project is to make a blog app which would contain blogs on innumerable topics with many features making this app easy to use and one stop for gaining knowledge.


  • DART, an Object-Oriented Programming Language and the FLUTTER UI toolkit was used.
  • FIREBASE DATABASE is initialized inside the application for storing all the data in the backend.
  • HIVE was used to store data locally.
  • Splash Screen includes a GIF.
  • The home page consists of all the blogs that are currently present on the backend.
  • Clicking on the desired blog on the All Blogs Page (initial route) navigates to author's blog page.
  • SPECIAL FEATURE : User can add to favorites (by clicking on a heart icon) and save the desired blog locally on his/her phone.

Work Flow

The Blog app is built using Flutter. It has a total of 6 screens (Splash Screen, Home, Favourites, Single Blog page, 2 x Loading screens).

Home Screen

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  • The home screen contains all the blogs added to firebase and is presented in List view.
  • Every List element contains a Blog name, Preview and an Icon, which can be used to add the blog to the favourites list and a delete icon to delete that app.
  • We have used a Gradient colour for the background
  • We have also implemented a pop-up feature that would alert the user if he has added any blog to the Favourite.
  • All the blogs are imported from the firebase database.
  • The Home screen also contains a drop-down menu to navigate between the Home screen and Favourite Screen

Favourite Screen

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  • This screen shows all the Blogs which have been added to the favourites list by the user.
  • When a user adds a blog to the favourite list, that blog gets stored locally (implemented using Hive), and then the files are derived from this local storage to be displayed on the favourite screen.
  • The favourite page also has the same architecture and design as the Home Screen.

Loading Screens

  • Two loading screens are present in this app.
  • One Loading screen appears when the app is started and containing a GIF
  • The second loading Screen appears when we transit from the home screen to the favourite screen, containing a loading bar.

Firebase & Hive


  • The app uses Firebase to store all the blogs and directly imports blogs from its database which is then displayed in the home screen.
  • Hive was used to store some a set of blogs locally which are selected from user and then this local database is used by favorite screen to display its blog.

Below, is an overview of the running of the application.



In this project, we have developed an application that lets us upload blogs in an HTML file format onto the backend, and then view them via a Flutter client in the front-end. We use local storage to store the favorites and view them at the offline convenience.