
  • K A Gaganashree
  • Meghna Uppuluri


  • M N Vishnu
  • Sreehari Krishnan
  • Alex Moby Philp
  • Siddharth Vydyula
  • Launnish


This project aims to interface different Peripherals, Memory integrated with RISC-V(Reduced Instruction Set Computer) processor and successfully implement it on FPGA.


SoC is an acronym for System on Chip is an IC (Integrated Circuit) which integrates all the components into a single chip and consists of a microprocessor and its subsystem customized to the desired functionality. Modern-day SoC has fundamentally evolved over the years and is now traditionally deployed in communications, data storage, and high-tech computing domains.


About RISC-V Processor

FemtoRV is a minimalistic RISC-V design, with easy-to-read Verilog sources directly written from the RISC-V specification. The most elementary version (quark), an RV32I core, weights 400 lines of VERILOG (documented version), and 100 lines if you remove the comments. We will be using FemtoRV32 quark version for our SoC.



UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter)

  • An interface that sends out data usually byte at a time over a single wire.
  • Data transfer is independant of clock pulse hence asynchronous
  • UARTs can operate in either Half-Duplex(two transmitters sharing a line) or Full-Duplex(two transmitters each with their own line).

uart Image courtesy : link

Several Parameters that can be set by user

  • Baud Rate (bits transmitted per second)
  • Number of Data bits
  • Parity Bit
  • Stop bits

As mentioned this interface does not have a clock, the data must be sampled to recover it correctly. It needs to be sampled at least eight times faster than the rate of the data bits. </br> This means for an 115200 baud UART, the data needs to be sampled at least at 921.6 KHz (115200 * 8 bits).

UART communication

  • Transmitter
  • Receiver

Transmitter ( tx )

It transmits the data serially 8 bits per second. The signals used in the transmitter.

  • i_clk is used for the clock signal.
  • Transmits the data only when the i_wr signal is asserted. Else transmits high signal.
  • i_data stores the start bit ( zero ) with the data bits to be transmitted.
  • o_busy signal indicates whether the transmitter is transmitting the data or not.
  • The single bit output of the transmitter is given by o_uart_tx signal.

We have 4 registers

  • state , baud_counter , local_data , baud_stb , for storing the state of the FSM, the clock cycles, the data bits with start and stop bits, and a flag (for indicating the readiness to transmit next bit i.e., transmits next bit if it is high) respectively.

There are 10 states in our FSM

  • BIT_ZERO , BIT_ONE , BIT_TWO , BIT_THREE , BIT_FOUR , BIT_SIX , BIT_SEVEN are 8 states each for 8 different bits.
  • LAST for last bit in transmition.
  • IDLE when the transmittion isn’t taking place.


  • This module takes i_clk , i_data , i_wr as inputs and outputs o_busy , o_uart_tx . Initially the state is made IDLE and o_busy will be low, since the transmission is not started. We have 3 always block which are triggered for each positive i_clk edge.
  • The first block is the state machine. Initially transmission starts when the i_wr is high and o_busy is low, o_busy is asserted and state is assigned as START as soon as the transmission starts.
  • When the baud_stb is high is when state chnages or not. If state is at IDLE then it remains at IDLE and o_busy becomes low , otherwise it leads to incrementation of state and o_busy becomes high.
  • The baud_counter acts as a decremental counter that keeps track of number of cycles between each bit.
  • When state changes from BIT_SEVEN to LAST, all bits have been transferred.

Receiver ( rx )

It receives data bit by bit at the rate of 8 bits per second.

  • i_clk is used for the clock signal.
  • i_rx_data is bitwise input data signal included with start and stop bits.
  • o_wr is asserted when the data in o_data is ready to be read.
  • o_data is an output register to output the recived data.

We have 5 registers

  • STATE, baud_count, zero_baud, ck_uart, q_uart. For storing fsm state, clock cycles, flag to start next state. where we use ck_uart to induce delay.

There are 10 states in our FSM

  • BIT_ZERO, BIT_ONE, BIT_TWO, BIT_THREE,BIT_FOUR, BIT_FIVE, BIT_SIX, BIT_SEVEN are 8 states for different bits.
  • IDLEwhen there’s no receiving taking place, STOP_BIT to terminate the receiving after getting all 8 bits.


  • This module takes clk , i_rx_data as inputs and outputs o_wr , o_data . Initially the state is made IDLE and o_data,o_wr will be low, since the receiving is not started. We have 4 always block which are triggered for each positive clk edge.
  • When ck_uart becomes low, it means start bit is detected, state changes from IDLE to BIT_ZERO and baud_count is initilized.
  • The baud_count acts as a decremental counter that keeps track of number of cycles between each bit. When the baud_count reaches zero then zero_baud flag is set high which increments the state. When state changes from BIT_SEVEN to STOP_BIT, all bits have been received and the receiving process stops.


SPI is a synchronous, full duplex main-subnode-based interface. The data from the main or the subnode is synchronized on the rising or falling clock edge. Both main and subnode can transmit data at the same time. The SPI interface can be either 3-wire or 4-wire.

spi Image courtesy: Analog Devices


Integrating a Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM) with a RISC-V processor typically involves designing a memory controller that interfaces with the SDRAM and communicates with the processor through a bus interface. The memory controller manages the flow of data between the processor and the SDRAM, handling tasks such as address decoding, read and write operations, and refresh cycles.


The WISHBONE System-on-Chip (SoC) Interconnection Architecture for Portable IP Cores is a flexible design methodology for use with semiconductor IP cores. Its purpose is to foster design reuse by alleviating System-on-Chip integration problems. This is accomplished by creating a common interface between IP cores. This improves the portability and reliability of the system, and results in faster time-to-market for the end use.


  1. UART Tx
  2. UART Rx
  3. SPI
  4. Wishbone references
  5. FemtoRV32