What is ZigBee Technology?

ZigBee is a wireless standard technology developed to enable low cost and low power wireless transmission in machine-to-machine and internet of things (IOT) networks.

ZigBee is specifically designed for control and sensor networks based on the IEEE standard for wireless personal area networks (WPANs). It has communication standards that specifies the physical and MAC layers required to handle many devices at low data rates.

Zigbee WPANS operate at frequencies of 8MHz, 902-928MHz, and 2.4GHz. The 250-kbps data are ideal for periodic transmission and intermediate two data transmission between controllers and sensors.

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Advantages of ZigBee Technology

1) Support for high- level nodes

Many thousands of nodes can be connected using Zigbee technology. A single network can support up to 65000 nodes using Zigbee technology. With this the transmission range can be continued to expand. This can be made in a large space in a building with many floors.

2) Suitable for low power devices

The Zigbee technology is generally ideal for low-power devices. It supports small battery-operated devices, sensors, object tags, and other similar devices. Since small devices does not need a lot of bandwidth, Zigbee technology is ideal for these devices.

3) Range

Zigbee is a mesh network and hence Zigbee has a network that is expandable. When compared to a single router, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth, Zigbee technology provides more stability.

4) Flexible

The Zigbee technology’s structure is very flexible. Zigbee technology has a simple installation process and is also less expensive. This technology has a short working period and long battery life and hence is less power consumption.

5) Monitoring

The Zigbee technology is simple to track and control, it is simple to maintain with the help of remote because it is mainly used for home appliances.

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Disadvantages of ZigBee Technology

1) Channel Noise

Network interference is a major problem with Zigbee technology. This is due to channel noise and network’s overcrowding. One of the main reasons for this is because it uses 2.4GHz bandwidth. This band is also used by microwaves, Bluetooth devices, cordless phones, and other wireless devices and technology is susceptible to interference.

2) The Rate of transmission is low

Zigbee is designed for low-rate data transmissions and because of this the technology used In it has low bit rate. As a result, Zigbee technology has a lower transmission rate than Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

3) Compatibility and security

There are many security risks associated with Zigbee technology. There are intentional interferences that can result in the loss of network services. This may also cause data theft from a node or the theft of an entire node because it is susceptible to interferences. By this a hacker can gain access to a node.

4) Expensive

The installation of Zigbee technology is very costly. The cost of Zigbee implementation changes with the range and size of the network.

Applications of ZigBee Technology

1) Automation in the Workplace

A correspondence link is used in assembling and manufacturing businesses, which helps to track various parameters and basic types of equipment. As a result, Zigbee lowers the cost of communication and also it improves the control procedure for improved consistency.

2) Home Automation

Zigbee is ideal for controlling home apparatuses remotely and can control devices such as lighting, machine control, heating, and cooling system control.

3) Smart Metering

Zigbee remote tasks in smart metering include energy utilization reaction, estimation support and provides security against power theft from others.

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  1. https://www.knowledgenile.com/blogs/zigbee-on-the-internet-of-things-advantages-and-disadvantages/
  2. https://blog.kct.ac.in/zigbee-technology/
  3. https://internetofthingsagenda.techtarget.com/