A future called Quantum

by Manav Singhal   |   August 23, 2021

Introduction Life is not just made of a good(1) or a bad(0) experience it is a superposition of such experiences. $\qquad \qquad \qquad \quad \quad$ –Manav Then why do we only think and hear of binary when it comes to...

DP on Trees

by Vaibhav Puri   |   August 16, 2021

Introduction DP on Trees is a very useful Technique in problem-solving, The prerequisite for learning this is a very basic understanding of Trees, vectors, and DP. Before directly diving into the topic, We will discuss some topics in brief, they...

From 1G to 5G

by Sujay Chuttar   |   August 16, 2021

First mobile phones had to be packed in a briefcase! Mobile technology has come a long way. It will play a crucial role in technologies of the future like IoT and autonomous vehicles! Let us look at the evolution from...

Amateur Radio

by Moha Mankad   |   August 16, 2021

We are all fascinated by how our voice travels through the atmosphere by electromagnetic waves and reaches its destination. We humans have built transmitters and receivers suitable to our needs. What is Amateur Radio and who are these Amateurs? Amateur...