
by Pranay Praveen   |   June 25, 2017

Hyperloop   One of the most valued and important entity nowadays is time. To help the people around the world to save their   travelling time, Elon Musk came up with an innovative idea of hyperloop. Hyperloop is a proposed mode...

Graphene - A Wonder Material

by Samarth Bonthala   |   June 24, 2017

GRAPHENE – A WONDER MATERIAL “I have never even heard of this term graphene before”, might be your thought process presently. Read further to understand why I call it a wonder material. What’s running in your mind at this point...

Promises, Closures and Potatoes

by Vighnesh Velayudhan   |   June 23, 2017

Promises, Closures and Potatoes. Well this article is mainly about Promises and Closures, two concepts that most of us don’t really care about in the beginning, but in reality, we have been using it a lot. “Promises and Closures” wouldn’t...

Fluid mechanics in everyday life

by Shreyas Hegde   |   June 18, 2017

Applying Makeup! When you put on eye shadow or powder, you are most definitely applying shear and pressure forces. When you put foundation on a sponge and smear it over your face you can feel the shear stress acting on...

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

by Vasista Ayyagari   |   June 16, 2017

Automation, Internet of Things, Genetic engineering, cloud computing, renewable energy, sustainable development. Welcome to the Future. Welcome to the 4th Industrial revolution. Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum published the ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’....