Quantum Computers and The Future of Computation

by Sampath Koti   |   September 24, 2017

Background: Quantum Mechanics a realm of physics where the tiny subatomic particles reside and whose physics is beyond the perception of the classical physical world. 1] What makes this realm so weird and different in working? The behaviour working of...

Getting Started with GUIs

by Archit Pandey   |   September 24, 2017

While learning a programming language, there’s often a question of how simple problem solving using code is going to help us create software we see around us. The fact is that software engineering requires a lot more skills as a...

The Challenger Disaster

by Nikhil Govindarajan   |   September 24, 2017

Introduction On January 28th 1986, the scheduled launch for NASA’s space orbiter- the Challenger, took place as planned. But the launch was the only part of the mission that stuck to plan. 73 seconds after liftoff, the shuttle exploded and...

BitTorrent Explained

by Mahir Jain   |   September 18, 2017

“Just torrent it!” “You can torrent any type of file, its all there on the internet…” These are just some of the common sentences one hears when it comes to downloading files from the internet. However, many people do not...

What makes a Smart Home Smart

by Anirudh B H   |   September 18, 2017

Introduction When you leave your home have you been bothered by these little doubts like have I turned the water heater off? Did I set the security at home? Did I switch off the TV? With the introduction of smart...

Storing energy in molten salt

by Adila M Rajiv   |   September 18, 2017

Introduction Renewable energy is the answer to sustainable development. It is the hot topic of our generation and even though it is in its rudimentary stage, it is the best solution in maintaining the balance between environment and our energy...