Search Engine Optimisation

by Praveen Gupta   |   October 08, 2017

Guess how many websites come up each day. Any ideas? A survey by Netcraft in 2012 showed that total number of websites launched in 2012 were 51 million i.e. ~140,000 per day. This flood makes it necessary for your website...

Raspberry Pi Tutorial

by Varshini Srinivasan   |   October 08, 2017

If you have just started exploring microcontrollers and experimenting with development boards like Arduino and Raspberry Pi, you might have had struggles with configuring the board and interfacing them with the hardware that you used to build your little fascinating...

Aircraft Engines

by Mirthun Raj   |   October 08, 2017

Many of you might have flown in an aircraft at least once in your lifetime and even if you haven’t, you might have at least seen one in a picture. You might have noticed that there are different types of...

Fingerprint Recognition

by Manan Sharma   |   October 02, 2017

Fingerprint recognition systems are practically everywhere today, from your smartphone, laptops, and are an integral part of the Aadhar system enabling us to authenticate our identity easily. Here’s a look at how the whole system of fingerprint recognition works. Fingerprints...


by Anand Pathak   |   October 02, 2017

Ever fantasied becoming the Cyborg from DC comics universe? Well, brace yourself, because that dream is soon to come into reality. Introducing Biohacking, a fairly new practice that could bring major changes in human life as we know it. Biohacking...