Magnetically repelling ice

by Sonal S. Parab   |   November 04, 2017

People can be nervous fliers to begin with. Even when there isn’t a cloud in the sky, there are few words that cause anxiety in some like, “Prepare for takeoff.” But add wintry conditions to the mix, add some ice,...

The Beginning Of The End - Have The Machines Won?

by Palak Singhal   |   November 04, 2017

Wondering when artificially intelligent robots will take over the Earth? Wonder no more — they’ve already done it! You’re probably thinking But wait. Wouldn’t I have noticed if chrome-plated autonomous killing machines began to exterminate humans? Not necessarily. It turns out...

Introduction to Docker

by Mahim Agrawal   |   October 30, 2017

Docker is probably the most talked-about infrastructure technology of the past few years. And why not? It makes managing and deploying applications so much easier without the overhead of a Virtual Machine. Here’s how: Docker is a tool designed to...

The LIGO Experiment

by Megh Bhalerao   |   October 30, 2017

The LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) Experiment – A completely different perspective of studying the universe. Einstein’s Prediction Over a century ago, Albert Einstein proposed the idea of something called a Gravitational Wave which was a part of his General...

Wireless Power Transmission

by Vanshika Gupta   |   October 30, 2017

We cannot imagine the world without electric power. Generally power is transmitted through wires, however there is an idea to eradicate the hazardous usage of electrical wires which involves a lot of confusion particularly in organizing them. Some of these...

Making Iot communications easy using mDNS

by Hrishi Hiraskar   |   October 26, 2017

A project in Iot often requires multiple devices communicating with each other. This is usually done through sending messages over sockets. To locate a device, usually addresses are used. This is good technique, but due to commom use of DHCP,...