Evacuated Tube Collectors

by Sanath K.   |   November 20, 2017

Introduction Renewable energy is the key for the planet’s existence in the future. The fossil fuels are non-renewable and require finite resources, which are dwindling because of high cost and environmentally damaging retrieval techniques. Climate change is real. Global warming...

The Halting Problem

by Shashank P   |   November 12, 2017

Introduction If you have written computer codes, then you certainly would have fallen into the trap of infinite loops. Then you might have wondered if there is an algorithm to check if any given computer program runs into an infinite...

Design of Aircraft Windows

by Shashank Ravichandir   |   November 12, 2017

Everything in an aircraft you see is for a reason. Nothing is there coincidentally. And one such thing is the shape and design of the windows. With increase in commutation through flights, the aeroplanes started flying at higher altitudes, since...

How QR code was invented

by Shreeram Hegde   |   November 12, 2017

How QR code was invented Denso Wave a subsidiary of the Toyota Group are attributed with the creation of the QR Code back in 1994. Originally it was used to track parts in the vehicle manufacturing industry, but its use...

Smart Grid

by Shama G Vasisht   |   November 04, 2017

Introduction How many times have you felt guilty about excessive usage of electricity when you see your monthly bill? Imagine managing the electricity delivered to your house like you manage activities like personal banking from a computer! You will no...