How do websites communicate securely?

by Nishanth P Hebbar   |   December 28, 2017

The inherent need for human beings has always been to communicate and share information,albeit selectively. For this purpose, the information is to be coded in such a way that it can be deciphered only by the recipient, regardless of whether...

War of the Currents

by Aditya Rangarajan   |   December 28, 2017

Thomas Edison Nikola Tesla At the end of the 19th century, the world witnessed one of the greatest scientific feuds of all times, which changed the course of the history. Three brilliant inventors, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse,...

Speed Printing

by Harshit Ranjan   |   December 28, 2017

Introduction 3D printing technology is often used to construct highly complex objects of different kinds, properties and materials. Despite its numerous advantages, one major drawback of 3D printers is its traditionally slow speed. This is where it fails miserably, in...


by Satyam Shivam   |   December 21, 2017

Let’s start with talking about the screen you’re currently glaring at to read this article. If you don’t scroll down then the screen is pretty much static right? Not really. Behind the screen, all the pixels controlling what you see...