Radar Imaging

by Rohit Manohar Kulkarni   |   August 22, 2019

RADAR IMAGING The World Wars were undoubtedly the worst things to happen to mankind but, they also birthed some ground breaking technology that is till date being used, one such example is the RADAR, acronym for Radio Detection and Ranging....

ELF Files in Linux

by Arpitha Raghunandan   |   March 09, 2019

Have you ever tried to print the a.out file generated when you compile your C program? It prints gibberish! Ever wondered how the computer produces a valid, sensible output from this? Read ahead to find out. Introduction ELF stands for...

Solving Switch Riddle using RL

by Madhuparna Bhowmik   |   February 28, 2019

In this article, we will use a Reinforcement Learning based method to solve the Switch Riddle problem. So, let’s start with defining the riddle. Switch Riddle There are n prisoners in prison and a warden. The Warden decides to free...

Machine Learning Magic

by Kumar Saharsh   |   January 26, 2019

“Did you ever wonder how ML algorithms work?” “How is the weather forecast done?” “How does the self-driving car mimic the way humans drive?” “Let’s try to find answers to some of those questions…” WHAT IS THIS MACHINE LEARNING ?...