PSLV to Mars

by Ekta Ramnani   |   January 14, 2020

PSLV to Mars (Mars Orbiter Mission) Marking the series of events in the world history, November 5,2013 is recognized to be a day of great significance all over the world. On this day, ISRO launched MOM(Mars Orbiter Mission) also called...

Piezoelectricity and Piezoelectric Sensors

by Kaushik Alwala   |   January 14, 2020

PIEZOELECTRICITY AND PIEZOELECTRIC SENSORS Piezoelectricity The accumulation of electric charge in solid materials in response to applied mechanical stress is called the piezoelectric effect or piezoelectricity, and those types of solid materials are called piezoelectric materials. Quartz, Berlinite (AlPO4), Sucrose...

A Comprehensive Guide to Li-Fi

by Krithik Vaidya   |   January 07, 2020

Introduction Wouldn’t it be interesting if we could use our everyday LED bulbs as the transmitters of data for wirelessly accessing the internet, instead of Wi-Fi Routers or Cellular Networks? Li-Fi is a technology that does exactly that. Li-Fi was...


by Sharayu Brahmankar   |   January 07, 2020

AUTOPILOTS An autopilot is a flight control system that allows a pilot to fly an airplane without continuous hands-on control of the airplane. It allows the pilot to focus on higher-order tasks such as navigating, communicating with air traffic control,...

Stem Cell Technology

by Ishita Goyal   |   December 30, 2019

STEM CELL TECHNOLOGY What are stem cells? Imagine waking up from a tragic accident that left you paralyzed from the neck down, will there be any hope to recover completely? Won’t it be amazing if there was a research that...